Instead of releasing a brand new installment in its creepy survival horror video game series, Capcom decided to go first with a HD remaster of the very first game in the Resident Evil series that was released back in the 20th century and was later refitted for GameCube in 2002 and Nintendo Wii in 2008.
Resident Evil HD Remaster PC vs PS4 Screenshot Comparison Shows Notable Differences, and Typical PS4 Visual Blur
Resident Evil HD Remaster performs quite well on both the latest consoles and PC, however, there obviously are several notable differences, which you can check out in the PC vs PlayStation 4 screenshot comparison of the game shared below. Sticking to its original structure, the latest HD remaster of the game improves on the praised 2002 “REmake,” and allows the fans to enjoy the intense horror experience once again.
One of the most remembered game that was originally added to the GameCube’s catalog back in 1996, Resident Evil is finally out on PC and all the major video game platforms in all its high-definition glory.